Erschütternder Bericht

Netzschau Aus dem Netz: „This is the first book of its kind written by a member of the Waorani people, and it was vital to Nenquimo that – contrary to the experience of being seen through the lens of intrusive missionaries – her community allowed her to speak“
Ein Regenbogen über dem angestammten Gebiet der Waorani
Ein Regenbogen über dem angestammten Gebiet der Waorani

Foto: Sophie Pinchetti / Amazon Frontlines

„Before writing it, she asked for permission and advice from her parents and other elders. She reproduces her father’s words in the introduction – Walk down the trail, then veer off into forest, leaving no tracks – which she took as an injunction to remember that the world outside is often not to be trusted.“ –

Starkes Erinnerungsstück

„Autobiographies rarely appear inNew Scientist‘s culture pages. This one, however, isn’t just unusual, it is ground-breaking: the first book of its kind to be written by a member of the Waorani people, an Indigenous Amazonian group. Humans have been recording their life stories for over four millennia, so it is about time we heard from people like Nemonte Nenquimo.“ –

Unbedingt lesen!

Everyone should read this book. It's really important. The more uncomfortable it makes you, the more important it is that you read it.“ –

„Ich hatte das Glück, sie kennenzulernen, und ich hatte noch mehr Glück, von ihr zu lernen.“
Leonardo DiCaprio über Nemonte Nenquimo

„Wenn ihr die Klimakrise verstehen und etwas dagegen tun wollt, lest dieses Buch.“
Emma Thompson

22.06.2024, 13:05

Buch: Weitere Artikel

Spektakuläre Geschichte

Spektakuläre Geschichte

Leseprobe Geschichte einer Kämpferin im Regenwald – für ihr Volk, für ihre Wurzeln, gegen die Zerstörung: Nemonte Nenquimo ist Stammesführerin der Waorani und erreichte im Jahr 2019 einen historischen Sieg gegen die ecuadorianische Regierung und die Ölkonzerne
Nemonte Nenquimo: „We All Need to Listen“

Nemonte Nenquimo: „We All Need to Listen“

Hintergrund „Nenquimo, an Indigenous leader of the Waorani peoples in Ecuador and founder of the nonprofits Ceibo Alliance and Amazon Frontlines, has focused much of her activism on preserving the Amazon from deforestation and oil extraction.“
Reise zu einer uralten Kultur

Reise zu einer uralten Kultur

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The forest is our teacher | Nemonte Nenquimo

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Nemonte Nenquimo | Earth Awards

Video Nenquimo, an Indigenous leader of the Waorani peoples in Ecuador and founder of the nonprofits Ceibo Alliance and Amazon Frontlines, has focused much of her activism on preserving the Amazon from deforestation and oil extraction

Nemonte Nenquimo I TIME

Video TIME brings unparalleled insight, access and authority to the news. A 24/7 news publication with nearly a century of experience, TIME’s coverage shapes how we understand our world

Nemonte Nenquimo | Champion of the Earth

Video Nemonte Nenquimo leads the Waorani people living in Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest. In 2019, the Waorani won a legal victory to protect half-a-million acres of rainforest from oil drilling, setting a precedent for regional indigenous rights